The push to finish

How does time fly? Like alligators flying through the water, chasing dinner… fast.

This is the week to buckle down! It’s going to be time to hang my upcoming show very soon. I am working to get everything finished. One problem is that creativity, leads to … creativity. Your mind is so busy that new things are developing every day, throughout the day. Editing… it’s not my thing. So, it is a struggle to stay on the task of FINISHING! Making art is just good. It leads to new ideas, new techniques to try, and new paintbrushes, and it’s a great stress reliever (unless there is a deadline).

I hope you will join me at the opening! I’ll be serving some southern favorites. I’m baking buttermilk biscuits for sure. It’s a new recipe for a smaller fluffy biscuit, a perfect size I hope, for opening night. Alongside the wine, we will be serving sweet tea, and more. There will be lots of fun things to see, and you might WIN a small alligator painting.

Opening Friday, February 2, 2024, at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, from 5:30-8:30.

The back of my card:

One thought on “The push to finish

  1. Pressure is demanding.  Sounds like a great opening.  Sending you many sales and a big crowd.  Wish I could come.   Close but yet so far.  I am not the best driver in my old age and best skip the celebration. YOU GO RENE!   Joy

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